New crop arrived in late December 2016 and this is our first offering. This very limited microlot comes from the Narino region of Colombia from Finca Las Murgas. In August one of our employees was an international judge at a competition called "Mejor de Narino" hosted by a Colombian coffee exporting company called Inconexus. National judges whittled down 300 coffees to the top 30 and judges from all parts of the world then gathered to evaluate which were the top 10 coffees to be included in a live auction at the end of the competition. The farm name represents a customary celebration distinct to the southern region of Colombia where this coffee is grown. The word "Murgas" refers to a traditional musical performance that occurs as part of the "Carnaval de Negros y Blancos" festival in the nearby town of Pasto.
- Farm: Las Murgas
- Producer: Wilson Rene Lopez
- Origin: Colombia
- Region: Narino
- Municipality: Medina Espejo
- Altitude: 2200
- Varietal: Caturra
- Processing: Washed and fully sun dried
This coffee is grown at an exceedingly high altitude of 2200 meters, almost as high as is possible in the world of coffee. This is due to the farm's location near the equator, but even there cool nights can occasionally be threatened by frost. The benefits of such high grown coffee lie in the concentration of flavors. Coffee cherries grow smaller at these altitudes as do the beans (or seeds) within. It takes more cherries to make a pound of finished coffee too due to the reduced size. The reward is in the flavor.
The auction took place on the last evening of the event and was attended by all of the producers. This lot of coffee consisted of just 6 bags of coffee and Willoughby's split the lot and received just 3 bags. This coffee ranked 8th place out of the top 20 that were chosen by the international judges. The producer of this coffee is Wilson Rene Lopez who along with his family runs the farm in the slopes of the Medina Espejo region of Narino.