Peru Organic French Roast

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    Purchase Peru Organic French Roast

    Peru Organic French Roast

    Cup Characteristics: Medium body, slightly sweet with mild acidity. Clean with well structured body. Ripe berry, grape, tropical flavors. Dark roasting imparts bittersweet flavors to all coffees and this Peru has enough brightness to be vibrant during that transition.

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    This is the dark roast version of our Peru Cafe De Mujer Aproccurma.

    This latest arrival (late December 2024) is from Cafe De Mujer Aproccurma (Coffee Women of Aproccurma). As the name suggests, the cooperative - Asociacion de Productores Cafetaleros de la Cuenca del Rio Marañón (APROCCURMA) - represents a membership of female coffee producers.

    For the past 5 years APROCCURMA has been working with 124 women producers in the northern highlands of the Rodríguez de Mendoza province to cultivate coffee on farms they owned and manage. Many women in this province depend on coffee income to sustain their families. They use organic methods on their small plots of land which are intercropped with shade trees, bananas, corn, and beans. The entire process of harvesting, sorting cherries, depulping, fermenting, washing, and drying is meticulously carried out on the farm using micro-mills, rather than requiring that freshly harvested coffee cherry make it to a processing facility in the small time between steps. Such micro-mills can be shared on one or several area farms.

    One of the major obstacles confronted by the coffee supply chain in Peru is the ability to transport the product easily. There are constant delays due to problematic infrastructure or lack there of. This has been especially true this crop season, as much of the committed specialty coffee from Peru failed to meet its commitments.

    APROCCURMA coordinates investments in basic infrastructure needs, such as road improvements, establishing local warehouses, and preparing coffee for export, ensuring traceability and quality control throughout the post-harvest process. Additionally, APROCCURMA offers women producers financing, training, and technical assistance to enhance coffee quality. The cooperative aims to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families by marketing their coffee internationally, thereby securing better premiums based on quality and certification.

    Peru is the world's leading producer of organic coffee. This lot is USDA Organic Certified.