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(India/Black) The largest area of tea production. Assams are very heavily bodied, malty teas. When brewed it should be dark in the cup, about the color of weak coffee. It takes milk well. A satisfying, hearty, but definitely not overbearing tea.
Water Temperature: 212°F (boiling)
Leaf to Water Ratio: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces
Steep Time: 4 minutes (1st infusion), 5 minutes (2nd infusion)
TGFOP1 describes the quality of the tea leaf. It stands for Tippy Golden Flowery Orange Pekoe #1. This is the highest proportion of tip with the highest quality of tea leaves in both Assam and Darjeeling. A joke among tea aficionados is that "FTGFOP" stands for "Far Too Good For Ordinary People".