(China, Black) Distinctive naturally floral fragrance. Also good for use in iced tea as it does not cloud easily. This is a basic grade of Keemun and presents an especially good value in a high quality tea.
Keemun tea has been produced in China since about 1875 in Qimen County in Anhui province. The word Keemun is how Qimen became anglisized. Prior to 1875 only green tea was produced in this province while black tea was manufactured elsewhere in China, notably Fujian province. Today, Keemun is China's most popular tea.
There are five standard grades of Keemun and at least two officially recognized 'super' grades. The top quality of the standard group is Keemun 1st Grade and, while all grades are prepared from the same plant, the higher the grade the more smaller leaves and buds are present, and the finer the cup. Beyond these standard grade are Hao Ya A and B, with A being the higher quality. Hao Ya A contains all buds.
Keemun leaves and buds are small and can infuse quickly. You may get up to five infusions from the same leaves.
Some sources suggest using boiling water while others suggest using a slightly lower temperature (194 F) for the first infusion and boiling for the subsequent ones, increasing steeping time for each subsequent infusion.
Water Temperature: 194 to 212°F
Leaf to Water Ratio: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces
Steep Time: 3 minutes (1st infusion), 4-5 minutes (2+ infusion)