Dark roasted version. Unlike many decafs including most water decafs, this lot is Colombia Supremo screen 18, the highest grade of Colombia coffee and the largest bean size produced. It is decaffeinated at the very modern Swiss Water Decaffeination plant in Vancouver, Canada by an all natural Water Decaffeination Process. These beans have a superior taste and appearance for decaf. It is astonishing how much depth this coffee has and how far decaffeination processes have come.
Swiss Water starts with small batches of coffee and green coffee extract. They then add local water plus time and temperature monitoring until the coffee is 99.9% caffeine free. In this case the coffee beans are the top Supremo grade from Colombia, shipped directly from origin to Swiss Water. Cleaned and hydrated with pure, local water to prepare them for caffeine removal, these beans are beginning their journey to becoming amazing decaf coffee. Their internally developed Green Coffee Extract (GCE) is introduced to the beans and caffeine removal begins. Caffeine ventures out on its own, away from the coffee beans into the GCE until the ratio of soluble compounds in the GCE to the compounds in the coffee reach the point of equilibrium. Caffeine and GCE flow continuously through their proprietary carbon filters until all the caffeine is trapped and separated from the GCE. Then the GCE is refreshed so that it can be used again and again to remove more caffeine. The Swiss Water team monitors time, gauges temperature controls, and checks the levels on the GCE flow. The result of all this attention to detail is 99.9% caffeine-free and chemically free coffee.
Roast Style: Full City
Process: Swiss Water Decaffeination