Thumbnail Filmstrip of Colombia Finca El Eden Images
Finca El Eden produces only 30 bags of coffee per year and the farm, in addition to producing the coffee varieties for microlot, is also experimenting with other cultivars and processes. This lot is comprised of about 80% Castillo and 20% Caturra. Producer Francisco Giraldo is working the farm of the importer's uncle. The importer specializes is working with select area producers who are compensated more highly by producing better quality coffee which includes attention to detail with harvesting and processing.
The farm has been experimenting with Gesha for the past three years ago and a first crop is expected early next year. Likewise they are experimenting with various processes. This coffee comes from Antioquia state which is located to the northwest of the capital Bogota, and, it is one of the larger coffee growing areas in Colombia. This region produces the majority of Colombian coffee that is categorized by bean size grade, such as Supremo but there are an ever increasing number of small farms that are breaking from the traditional cooperative method and producing individual lots that are linked with their identity. Coffees from this region tend to have a medium body and are typically not as fruity/winey as coffees from other Colombian regions.
Francisco grew up growing coffee alongside his father. He chose to continue the legacy at El Eden after his father passed away. However, his commitment to the coffee was tested in 2009 when Franco fell victim to a landmine. Lucky to escape with his life, he lost one eye as well as his sense of taste and smell. However, his dedication to his coffee never faltered. Now he sees the project of quality production as a way to improve the quality of life of his family.
- Country: Colombia
- Farm: Finca El Eden
- Producer: Francisco Giraldo
- Region: Antioquia
- Locality: Ituango
- Altitude: 1,800 - 1,900 meters / about 6,300 feet
- Varietals: Castillo, Caturra
- Process: Fully Washed, Sun – Dried