Colombia Andres Muñoz Finca Progreso

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    Colombia Andres Muñoz Finca Progreso

    Cup Characteristics: Flavors of strawberry, refreshing kiwi, apple juice. Aromas of soy. Well rounded, smooth and very sweet coffee highlighting the inherent flavors of Pink Bourbon.
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    This single farm coffee from Huila, Colombia is new to us.  This is a very high elevation farm called Finca Progreso, located above the cloudline at 2,100 meters or nearly 7,000 feet. Coffee can grow at this altitude or even a bit higher, in only those locations that are on or very near the equator. The variety here is luscious Pink Bourbon, known not only for its intriguing appearance but for its very high sweetness.  The elevation allows producer Andres Munoz to grow healthy coffee trees as the cooler climate helps protect the plants from common diseases. The altitude also contributes to more concentrated sweetness and flavor.  His success with the Pink Bourbon varietal led him to phase out his Caturra trees completely.  Progreso fully transitioned to Pink Bourbon trees about 4 years ago. These are very high quality plantings for Colombia.

    Andres has worked with coffee for as long as he can remember. For 15 years, he traveled to the state of Huila to work solely as a coffee cherry picker during the harvest season.  He eventually saved enough money to start his own farm called Progreso, which also became his home along with his wife, Diana, and their two children. 

    Finca Progreso, 2100 meter Pink Bourbon

    At the outset Andres produced commercial varieties that are most common to the area. Battered by the ups and downs of that commodity, he set out to pursue higher quality varieties with better financial outcomes and ultimately has planted his entire farm with Pink Bourbon. He stopped focusing on quantity and shifted towards better varietals with a focus on learning and implementing techniques to produce high quality coffee.He works just as hard to produce less coffee, but is proud of the quality. His income reflects the effort he puts into each harvest.

    • Country: Colombia
    • Farm: Finca Progreso
    • Producer: Andres Muñoz
    • Region: Huila
    • Altitude: 2,100 meters / about 6,900 feet
    • Varietal: Pink Bourbon
    • Process: Fully Washed, Sun Dried