Rooibos Tea, also known as Redbush, does not have caffeine and is said to be high in antioxidants. The plant is largely grown in South Africa where the beverage is a staple. Though Rooibos looks a little twiggy to the eye the infusion itself is the familiar color of black tea and the flavor is similar as well. The leaves of the plant are oxidized in much the same manner as black tea, thus accounting for the visual similarity. Tannin levels are low compared to black tea.
There are many health claims about the benefits of drinking Rooibos, however, we do not make such claims. Rather, we can tell you that the taste is pleasant and the beverage will allow you to sleep easily. Rooibos has gained great popularity in recent years.
Country of Origin: South Africa
Water Temperature: 195° F
Leaf to Water Ratio: 1 tablespoon per 8 ounces
Steep Time: 5+ minutes